The Great Opportunity

San Miguel de la Frontera Tours gives you the opportunity to discover the east part of El Salvador

During the Spanish Colony, the actual territories of Usulután, San Miguel, La Unión and Morazán were known as San Miguel de La Frontera, so the name of the company comes from our specialty: Provide tourism destinations in the geographical area of these four departments.

Located at the center of West Part of El Salvador, San Miguel is the main city and allows visit all region being ideal for one day trips on the area.


The city has a wide variety of atractions, specially the people and the fascinating history along 482 years.

  There are many places to visit, doing City Tours during the day or night

Discover the East part of El Salvador enjoying nature, adventure and history. There are unexplored places  you have to visit with San Miguel de la Frontera Tours, we have more than 15 places to visit,

We can arrange the Package in accordance at your interest. Please Inquiry as follows:


Facebook: San Miguel de la Frontera Tours..



We are proud to say wellcome to San Miguel, enjoy El Salvador.

Ignacio Córdova