Six-Day Tour Package




Picking up at the El Salvador International Airport and Tansportation to San Miguel City. 

During the trip you will be illustrated with the interested geography you see along the way.



In San Miguel City we shall stay at Hotel Plaza Floresta, a Sister Company of San Miguel de la Frontera Tours. This is our Head during the Trip.


DAY 2.

 In the morning we shall visit an Old Gold Mine so you can make a Flashback to a Gold Fever. Having the opportunity to get inside the mine you will discover how is the handcraft proccess to extract gold from the rocks. We shall have a walk crossing a river to explore the ruins of an old Washing Ciannide Gold Production Plant from the 19st Century. After this trip you will understand why the independence from Spain.

In the afternoon we shall visit El Sisimite Cave, an interesting walk in the mountains geting exiting landscape. If is available, we shall meet a very young student that has the project to impulse the Rural Tourism in the area, so you can give her your own oppinion concerning her project.



This is one of our specialties. We shall visit Northen Morzán, the place known during the war as "Free Territory ", with our guide you will understand why this name.

We shall do a walk you will have contact with nature and know one of the poorest towns in El Salvador but one of the richest on Natural Resources. We will take time to visit San Antonio River wich forms natural border with Honduras, there you will know the legend and see the meteor that impacted the river thousands years ago forming a natural pool where you can swim

 We shall pass the night at the Historical town Perquin, that was seen by rebel troops as Capital of Free Territory and was the most desired target by National Army. You can visit somePerquin tipical points at night or a rest because next day will continue walking.

Day 4.

Visiting San Fernando, another historical town near Perquin that was important to protect the Rebel Capital.

  We shall walk to visit "El Chorrerón" Water Fall at Pichihualo River, another natural border with Honduras, where you can swim at the pool formed by the force oc falling  water.









In the afternoon we shall back to Perquin to visit the Rebel Museum of the War, an interesting point of view from the Guerrilla. And will stand and recognize places that were destroyed during the war.

We shall back to San Miguel City to have a rest and prepare for the next adventure.

Day 5

You will have the experience in visitin the Fonseca Gulf, which is shared with Honduras and Nicaragua.


Departing in boat from Port of  La Unión we shall see Islands of El Salvador and see the first point where the spanish explorer Andres Niño discovered our country. We shall make an stop at Meanguera del Golfo Island and see the protected "Birds Island".

A Second stop be at Martín Pérez Island, a uninhabitable place that in the past was used by El Salvador Navy for training troops and nowadays is intended for natural reserve.

Our third stop will be at "Chuchito Island", the smallest island of the gulf. If we get low tide see the interesting sand at the small beach on the island.


After this sunny day we shall back to San Miguel City for having a Rest. Next day you will have an experience with the past.

Day 6

 We shall take a Tour product from our sister company Hacienda El Salto to visit the Archaeological site Los Llanitos, a place that was explored in 1942 by Eccentric Archaeologist and Adventurer John Longyear, but this land has been forgoten by all goverments along the time. Having copies of part of his papers we will try to rebuilt the precolumbian culture that lived there.


First we visit the Old River "Las Piletas", dryed at mid part of past century. There are many causes but you can find the curse by wich this river dried.

 Discover why is called "Las Piletas" (The Basins), Probably you will understand when see hundred of perfect round holes in the rocks. There are people that says were made from aliens and others tell were made from precolumbian tribes. What would you say?

We shall walk down the creek, watching interesting details that connect with the past.

 In the borders of the creek you can find and extract mud pieces that belonged to the tribes in the past.






Finally we get the Ball Play Ground where you can compare the site with the sketches made during Longyear's Exploratory Excavatioins in 1942. You can find mud objects on the flor surface with no excavation, so you will confirm there was a culture there.

We back to San Miguel City finishing this Six day Fam trip

1 comentario:

  1. Wow sounds like a wonderful trip! I visited San Miguel and stayed at the Hotel Plaza Floresta, it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life!
